Pass the baton to London

From August we aim to run a collective 171 miles which is the approximate distance to London, but with a twist.

The twist is we are going to do a pass the baton challenge to accumulate the mileage

We are also offering a prize for this challenge, details are further down the page.

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So how will this work?

  • The baton gets hidden and then a clue is left on our Facebook page and WhatsApp group. The clue can be photos or something more cryptic, as you like. You may post a link to the route you hid it along on Strava, as well as the clue or photo. The aim is to make it a bit of a challenge but not impossible to find!

  • You must also say how far you run when you post your clue.

  • Anyone who can identify the location from the clue can then go out on a run to find it. They then continue their run and hide it somewhere else. They then leave a clue on Facebook or WhatsApp, and so it goes on.

  • All runs MUST be logged on Strava and you MUST title the run Striders Baton Run.

Some additional rules.

  • The baton should only travel on foot so cannot be collected by bike or car and taken somewhere far away.

  • The baton should only ever be hidden out on a run so shouldn't be taken home or hidden on a different day.

  • When you find the baton, and move it on to another hiding place, please record the total distance of that run, not the distance between the two hiding places.

  • A spreadsheety thing (technical term) will be setup for us to record our mileage and see how quickly we’re making our way to London.

The plaque will be hidden on August 12th and the clue/photo posted that day. Then it'll be up to the Striders to find it and move it on.

Any questions contact Phil in the first instance.

Clearly this is a new challenge so there may be the occasional teething problem, but other clubs have found it's run smoothly enough and provided a bit of purpose to people's running.

Good luck, stay safe, happy hunting and see you in London!



We are offering a prize for the person who completes the most mileage during the challenge. The mileage is only counted for the runs associated with the challenge, not additional runs during the challenge duration.

For the person who completes the most mileage they will receive a £50 voucher for Running Bear.

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